In April/May Prof Sylvia Molina is visiting EMS. Since 2001 she has been a professor at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UCLM (Cuenca) where she leads the group ‘Fuzzy Gab’ that rescues the Electroacoustic Music Collections of the GME (Legacy of international composers under direction of Gabriel Brnçic) and projects of Human Interfaces and Interactive Installations.
At EMS she will partly work on her own soundwalk project 40 ARK/40 DAYS: “The saved paths will be stitched on each of the sheets. One leaf, one day. A walk, a sound journey. A palimpsest of sounds and narrations that will be built simultaneously between the threads, the writings, the recorded sounds and the interactive ink that will serve as an interface to manage all of this in EMS studio 2: the multichannel studio with sixteen speakers in 360o or dome.
We print the map of the city. We establish the criteria of the thread, of the sound materials, of the narrations and interactions. 40 ARK|40 DAYS is born.
April-May 2022. Author: Sylvia Molina.”

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